Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Most homes have pets. Dogs, cats, hamsters, gerbils, snakes, lizards, etc.

We have pets. One cat and two hamsters. Plus we dog sit, for a co-worker of mine.

Some days I feel like I'm being over run by animals. Other days all is well in our little part of the world.

Right now Molly, the english bulldog, is asleep on Sam's bed, Mitzi, the shihtzu mutt mix, is asleep in her kennel box, both hamsters are sleeping in their cages and the cat, well she's asleep on my desk between me and my keyboard. Let me tell you about them.......

This is Sassy. She is our 4 year old, Queen of the House and all things in it, cat. She has an I'm the boss kind of attitude. I love her to death. She has the prettiest sky blue eyes. She gets along with most other animals, except Molly and we'll talk about that later.

Sammy and Tater Tot - both long haired Teddy bear hamsters. Neither of these photos are very good, but its all I have for now. Sammy was given to us from a friend of my oldest girl. Sammy is about 1.5 years old. Tater Tot is only about 5 or 6 months old and was acquired when my youngest daughters fish died and we'd given her cat away, and her Auntie Jess felt sorry for her. Yea.

Those are the 3 full time animals that live in our house. Now on to the dogs that are part time ours and part time someone elses.

First we have Miss Molly Bug. She is an English Bulldog, about 5 years old, and the poor old girl has some bad hips. She still loves to play tho! She's very protective, and doesn't like most human males. She's not so partial to the cat tho, she's always tryin to eat her! So we watch her closely when the cats around.

This is Mitzi, the shihtzu mutt, we don't really know what kind of dog she is, but we love her anyway! She is a ball of energy and boy does she give Molly a run for her money. She's about 2 years old and still acts like a puppy. She loves the cat! They actually get along pretty well, they play a bit and will lay together peacefully sometimes.

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